Ad Ops Specialist


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My name is Kayla A. Thomas.

I’m an Ad Ops Specialist at Mediassociates with an interest in assisting others to find better performance, productivity, and profitability in their digital campaigns. To further my education and learn more about data-driven marketing in-depth, I recently received a Master of Science in Data Marketing Communications.

When I’m not working or studying digital marketing, I love hiking + living a healthy lifestyle, working my way through every recipe in the family cookbook (and on Pinterest), and indulging in my love for seeing new places. I am also teaching myself SQL and brushing up on my Spanish-speaking skills.

If you’d like to learn more about me and if I could be of any help to you and your digital marketing needs, please do contact me. Additionally, if you have any tips for SQL or are in need of a Spanish-speaking buddy, feel free to send me a message as well! 

Learn about my abroad experience here.